Interested in supporting MAS?

Gracious supporters and donors allow MAS to continue bringing world-class music to Denver. No gesture of support is too small — whether it be your time, talents, or a financial donation, we are grateful for your contribution to growing our city’s access to these impactful live music experiences.

As a non-profit music promoter, MAS relies on support from those who are passionate about providing access and exposure to world-class artistry in Denver — all for the love of music.

MAS’ concert programming is solely focused on the music. We don’t filter artists based on genre, follower count, or past ticket sales.

MAS curates sophisticated, intimate live experiences. We want our artists to feel respected and honored on MAS stages, and design our shows around an engaged, attentive audience.

MAS gives musicians a platform to explore their artistry. Providing a space for MAS artists to collaborate, improvise, and experiment is central to the experience we want to provide for musicians and audiences alike.

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